A delicious sugar-free treat!
Makes 25 to 30 balls
- 1/2 cup carob powder unsweetened
- 1/4 cup tahini (sesame butter)
- 1/4 cup butter sunflower seeds
- 1/4 cup almond milk unsweetened
- 1/4 cup coconut, finely grated, unsweetened
- 1/4 cup coconut coarsely shredded, unsweetened
- 1/2 cup (or more to taste) of puffed rice cereal (like Rice Crispies) or puffed millet
1. Combine all ingredients in a bowl.
2. Make 25 to 30 small balls with your hands.
3. These treats can be refrigerated, but more you wait to eat them less crunchy puffed rice is.
Also excellent when made with peanut butter or almond butter.
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