Latest recipes
Thai Shrimp
- Categories:
- casseroles -
- fish and seafood -
- rice and cereals -
- with photo -
- tofu and soy
Beet and Fennel Soup
My daughter likes to call it "Liptick Soup"
- Categories:
- soups and creams -
- vegetables -
- freezes well -
- with photo -
- vegan -
- fruits -
- Kids love it
Buckwheat dumplings
- Categories:
- baked meals -
- rice and cereals -
- nuggets and patties -
- freezes well -
- with photo
Quinoa burger
the soft texture and nutty flavor of quinoa makes this burger a must
- Categories:
- sandwiches and burgers -
- rice and cereals -
- nuggets and patties -
- with photo -
- Gluten free -
- Kids love it -
Tofu cannelloni with red beans in pink sauce
- Categories:
- baked meals -
- pasta -
- legumes -
- with photo -
- tofu and soy
Crispy Asparagus
A very simple recipe that enhances the taste of fresh asparagus.
- Categories:
- vegetables -
- fast -
- with photo -
- easy -
- baked meals -
- vegan