Tofu and soy
Chili Tofu
- Categories:
- dips and spreads -
- legumes -
- fast -
- with photo -
- lunchbox and picnic -
- tofu and soy
Four-Spices Tofu
- Categories:
- baked meals -
- rice and cereals -
- freezes well -
- vegan -
- with photo -
- tofu and soy -
- easy -
- Gluten free
Green Beans and Hearts of Palm Salad
An elegant two-tone salad with well balanced flavours.
- Categories:
- appetizers -
- salads -
- vegetables -
- vegan -
- with photo -
- lunchbox and picnic -
- tofu and soy -
- easy -
- Gluten free

Salted Marinated Tofu
Excellent for a slightly salty taste in stir-fries, salads, stews, sliced for burgers, etc..
- Categories:
- vegan -
- tofu and soy -
- easy -

Spicy Tofu with Olives
A delicious spicy tofu
- Categories:
- vegetables -
- rice and cereals -
- fast -
- vegan -
- with photo -
- tofu and soy -
- easy -
- Gluten free
Spinach and Almond Balls
To use almost everywhere! Spaghetti in tomato sauce, fettucine alfredo, etc..
- Categories:
- baked meals -
- nuggets and patties -
- freezes well -
- vegan -
- tofu and soy -
- Gluten free -
- with photo
Stepped Millet with Tuna À La Florentine
An Elegant and Tasty Dish
- Categories:
- baked meals -
- vegetables -
- fish and seafood -
- rice and cereals -
- with photo -
- tofu and soy -
- Gluten free
Sweet Potato Shepard Pie
A classic redefined... for the better!
- Categories:
- baked meals -
- tofu and soy -
- easy -
- Kids love it -
- vegan -
- with photo -
- Gluten free -
- pies and tarts meal