It's not rocket science!
Apple and Cheese Muffins
- Categories:
- breads and muffins -
- snacks -
- breakfasts and brunches -
- with photo -
- fruits -
- easy
Basil Hummus
A slight variation on traditional hummus for the palate!
- Categories:
- appetizers -
- legumes -
- fast -
- vegan -
- with photo -
- lunchbox and picnic -
- not expensive -
- easy -
- Gluten free

Black Bean Salad with Lime
The lime gives a lot of freshness to this colorful recipe prepared in a jiffy!
- Categories:
- salads -
- vegetables -
- legumes -
- vegan -
- with photo -
- lunchbox and picnic -
- easy -
- Gluten free -
- fast

Carrots and Cauliflower Soup
A simple and delicious recipe that I got from my mom ...
- Categories:
- soups and creams -
- vegetables -
- freezes well -
- vegan -
- easy -
- Gluten free -
- with photo

Cauliflower and Lentil Pie
A nice variant of the shepherd's pie!
- Categories:
- baked meals -
- vegetables -
- legumes -
- with photo -
- easy -
- freezes well -
- vegan -
- Gluten free -
- pies and tarts meal
Celery Soup
A delicious creamy and tasty soup.
- Categories:
- soups and creams -
- with photo -
- vegetables -
- vegan -
- easy -
- Gluten free

Cornmeal Pancakes
When we want a little more for breakfast.
- Categories:
- breakfasts and brunches -
- vegan -
- with photo -
- easy -
- Kids love it
Crispy Asparagus
A very simple recipe that enhances the taste of fresh asparagus.
- Categories:
- vegetables -
- fast -
- with photo -
- easy -
- baked meals -
- vegan
Decadent Carob Bites
A delicious sugar-free treat!
- Categories:
- desserts -
- rice and cereals -
- fast -
- with photo -
- easy -
- Gluten free -
- Kids love it -
- vegan -