Exotic Salmon Pie
An exotic and slightly sweet touch for this salmon pie comes out of the ordinary!
- Categories:
- fish and seafood -
- sauces -
- with photo -
- Gluten free -
- Kids love it -
- pies and tarts meal
Spaghetti in pink sauce with garlic flower
- Categories:
- vegetables -
- pasta -
- sauces -
- legumes -
- with photo -
- easy
Sweet Almonds Sauce
A rich complement for a dessert or breakfast.
- Categories:
- desserts -
- breads and muffins -
- breakfasts and brunches -
- sauces -
- with photo -
- easy -
- Gluten free -
- Kids love it

Tomato sauce with herbs
- Categories:
- soups and creams -
- vegetables -
- pasta -
- sauces -
- pies and tarts meal -
- vegan -
- with photo